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To the Benefit of Our Customers and the Planet

We improve the world’s food supply

Our drive

Improving the World’s Protein Supply

We serve those who serve the world with proteins and food, with a future-proofed superior portfolio of value-adding processing solutions that are safe, sustainable, holistic and precise, from the efficient and gentle handling of raw resources to finished and packed food products. Below water, on board and on land. Whether it’s fish, poultry, meat or other food items. With automation, digitalization and humanization, we are redefining food processing based on reliable technology and lasting quality.

With a growing world population and the urgent need for sustainable action, our common goals must be to increase food availability while conserving resources, to combine animal and alternative protein sources and to set the highest standards in food safety, quality and animal welfare.

Together We Innovate the Food Value Chains

our approach

Driving Innovation in Partnership

Thanks to our experience across generations, we design solutions that will help people today, tomorrow and beyond – products that have a sustainable value.

Innovation drives our continuing growth. At BAADER, we draw on the creativity and resourcefulness of our people to stay ahead of other market players. In close collaboration with our customers, we are taking further major steps toward greater efficiency, traceability, transparency, profitability and sustainability. By sharing knowledge and data, together we can succeed in optimizing the food value chain in the long term.

To the benefit of our customers, the consumer and the planet.
Our Promise

Reliable Technology over Generations

We think for generations, which enables us to design innovative products that represent sustainable value for today and beyond. Our long-term vision allows us to create frameworks that can be adapted and expanded to meet the new, challenging demands of the industry.

We deliver machines, lines and equipment built with extreme precision and the utmost care for details. This is how we avoid downtime and ensure your business case certainty. Thinking in very long cycles means that we act with foresight and create frameworks that can be adapted and expanded to meet new demands.
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Unconditional quality: At BAADER, we do everything for our customers.
Our creativity

A Data-driven Approach Increases Efficiency –
Innovation is Our Driving Force

Research and Development

Research and development have always been core at BAADER. This is why we are one of the most innovative machine designers and engineering companies in the fish and poultry processing business. New technologies and digital innovation have enormous potential in all stages of the food value chain. We know this, and therefore direct our research and development to new technologies and digitalization.
R&D Jobs


Innovation drives our continuing growth. We draw on the creativity and resourcefulness of our people to stay ahead of other market players.

In close collaboration with our customers, we are taking further major steps toward greater efficiency, traceability, transparency, profitability and sustainability. By sharing knowledge and data, together we can succeed in optimizing the food value chain in the long term.

Experience Our Technology

The BAADER Technology Center in Lubeck, Germany offers the possibility for live equipment presentations, testing and training. You can arrange customized on-premise or virtual presentations, participate in one of our in-house fairs and have you and your future operators and service mechanics trained on our equipment.
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Every day our global experts
dedicate themselves to researching and developing new technologies and solutions

Six hundred patents and operations in 100 countries across six continents demonstrate that we have always pushed boundaries and explored new horizons. Today, we continue to search for new opportunities to expand our business. We take calculated risks and are willing to tackle potential challenges. We are true pioneers in food processing because we face our challenges together with our customers.

Experienced engineers, technicians and mechanics work in laboratories, and in design and research departments in Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and the US to find innovative solutions. This international mix of diverse mindsets is the backbone of our creative spirit. One thing that unites us all is our relentless desire for quality – in all phases.


It’s all about humanization

For us, people are at the centre. Digitalization will take centre-stage only when trained and tuned by knowledgeable engineers. Our people will ensure that ethics, law and sustainability will all be part of the solution. With the need for the right info and data at the right time, we focus on the collaboration, motivation, education and buy-in of the people and teams involved.

We cultivate loyalty, team spirit, honesty, responsibility, goal-orientation and passion, a spirit actively shared by our employees and customers. New hires and trainees discover a professional and passionate team with many opportunities to drive and enhance their skills. Our ongoing commitment to the development of BAADER people greatly benefits our customers.
Team Spirit
Our Engagement

Contributing to the Future of Food

The Challenges We Face

BAADER is facing significant challenges: changing values and demographic and technological changes are continuously leading to new requirements and solutions in the food industry.

New eating habits, conscious consumers, technological trends and developments in particular also offer opportunities – for food processing, the food industry, society and consumers. For this reason, we are constantly aligning our strategy to impact the future of food.

Sustainability: Our Actions Premise

All food starts as raw resources like fish, poultry, meat, fruit, vegetables, etc. Our planet holds many treasures, but resources are finite. Ecological and social sustainability and a clear commitment to conserving resources are an integral part of our strategy. Efficient and resource-friendly machinery is our contribution to a conservative food supply. We design our facilities, systems and process solutions to make a sustainable value chain. Our industry-leading ‘Zero Waste’ initiative targets hidden waste that aims to introduce untapped resources into the value chain with the right processing methods.

Our add-on chilling technology further supports sustainability goals by maximizing yield, reducing defects, increasing shelf life, reducing water use and eliminating the use of ice thereby improving transport efficiency for a lower carbon footprint.

Our Expertise Starts and Ends with Optimal Product Handling

We are not only best in class when it comes to food processing solutions; we also know how to refine and add value. Product quality is a primary focus when developing our equipment and processing solutions. We know how to process gently and ensure the highest standards of animal welfare, hygiene, food safety and quality in all phases.

And our customers are ensured of their business case as we guarantee the best return on their investment. We do this by being in the region for the region across the globe, with a qualified and robust service network and spare part supply chain and our overall partnership approach for entire wall-to-wall solutions.

Processing Expertise

Gentle Processing
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Our gentle, value-preserving processing offers economic and environmental benefits. Our fish, poultry and meat processing solutions protect both the texture and the valuable nutrients of each resource. This means that we do not use thermic processing methods. Product quality is a primary focus when developing our equipment and processing solutions.
Animal Welfare
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We respect living resources and continuously strive for the highest standards in animal welfare. Our salmon slaughter technology is industry-leading in its gentle process. The state-of-the-art process equipment for poultry transport, stunning and slaughter is perfectly streamlined to offer a seamless and calm journey. New digital capabilities will heighten our animal welfare standards even further. A combination of multiple online communications is the basis for the processing and software solutions we design. IT-based management systems with real-time data monitoring and analyses help our customers ensure proper animal welfare through their tablets.
Food Safety
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We help our customers deliver healthy, safe food products during all stages of the production process. We follow the principles ‘from water to plate’ and ‘from farm to fork’. These principles direct us to operate seamlessly to track sourcing and process journeys and meet all hygiene requirements. Our customers also value our expert advice for optimized, transparent and fully hygienic processes.
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Maximum cleanliness and hygiene are essential for food safety. We optimize processing line designs for the best hygiene conditions. BAADER equipment is designed for easy cleaning procedures. We collaborate with partners specializing in cleaning BAADER equipment and offer comprehensive hygiene training.
BAADERING & Product Enhancement
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Product enhancements offer our customers huge profit potential with the efficient use of resources. Smart reprocessing of valuable nutrients in all co-products is the key. Our processing designs help our customers use the full potential of their resources. Almost every co-product can be enhanced with the BAADERING technology. Together with our partners, we are working on making our vision of 100 per cent resource utilization a reality.

Customer Business Certainty

Local Presence
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We are never far from our customers, no matter where they are in the world. This allows us to identify needs as they arise and form the best possible solutions. We research and develop new product ideas based on our customers’ experience and knowledge. This close connection gives us insight into local market trends and creates profitable innovations for any region.
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Our customers trust our on-demand and highly qualified service. We offer customized service contracts, and provide consultations, service maintenance and repairs to meet our customers’ requirements. Our unique service network covers 100 countries in six continents with local service stations around the world.
Total Solution Supplier
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We supply complete solutions that deliver a precise and streamlined process throughout the value chain. These smart systems lead to a noticeable increase in efficiency, transparency and safety. We work with our customers and partners during planning, installation and start-up to ensure the best solution for their specifications.
Asset Value
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Our machinery holds a long-term quality promise, valuable assets renowned for their precision and durability for decades. Virtually all the machines we have sold in the past 20 years are still operating. Flexible adjustments and module replacements coupled with in-depth operator training, an on-demand service and regular maintenance add to our machines’ longevity.
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We combine high-quality machinery and reliable service to reduce operating costs and increase the ROI for our customers over the entire life cycle of the equipment. We are committed to providing our customers security for their investments by offering the right equipment to make our customers’ businesses profitable.

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