We have always set the highest of goals for ourselves. Whether seen in product innovation, services or consultation, our mission has been to offer the most in customer satisfaction, efficiency, and profitability. And like our company, our mission has grown and evolved over the years.
As a total systems' supplier, we deliver precise, automated and intelligent solutions for fish, poultry, and meat processing with maximal resource efficiency.
We continue to find ways to improve productivity throughout the plant with the use of factory automation. In many areas, automation has taken over where humans were once commonplace. It helped to achieve higher levels of quality control, production speed, labour shortage sand overall profitability. We know that we still haven’t tapped the full potential in many areas. Plant systems must constantly evolve to meet our consumer’s rising requirements and demands.
That is why we continue working on finding ways to improve our technology and our ability to manipulate complex and varying shapes such as raw animal proteins to enable further opportunities for higher levels of automation.
We are, however, not convinced that pure automation is the way to choose. Automation will not replace people even in the digital age but will improve the skills workers need to keep up with the pace of change. New demands in the skill sets of food processing workers will require a higher level of training to meet the machinery production capabilities. We at BAADER know that and therefore place high importance on our training offerings.
Reliability and flexibility are at the other end of the spectrum and is obviously a prerequisite for the equipment user. Collaboration with the user and their customers is therefore essential to find ways of improving reliability and flexibility of the equipment.
Connectivity, cloud computing, A.I. and IoT are changing the way the world does business. For us, it represents a rewarding new era of greater efficiency, insight, and customer profitability all along the food value chain.
As a company with a long tradition of technical innovation, BAADER is helping lead the digital transformation within food processing.
Together with our international team of dedicated engineers and digitalization visionaries, we are pioneering new, even more effective avenues of production, operation and smart design. By increasing our horizon and data capturing from various sources along the entire food value chain, we can provide unprecedented info and verify hypotheses and assumptions. This can result in whole new business models with the potential to disrupt the status quo with more consumer driven, customized products. And by leveraging new technologies, we can transform relationships with the end consumer.
A digitalized food value chain allows food companies to identify and react to market opportunities with speed and confidence, leverage information to continuously improve products and production performance, quickly develop and launch innovative solutions, reduce plant commissioning and drive productivity. We believe that digitalization helps to take full advantage of automation, to seamlessly manage quality, track production execution, thereby creating transparency and traceability.
It is through the help of digitalization that we aim to achieve our goal of maximum resource utilization, animal welfare and working conditions.
We believe that the human aspect becomes even more important once digital technologies are used to connect different divisions, stakeholders, goals, processes, and information resources.
There is not only a considerable human effort that lies behind digitalization: the deep-down work of the “data carers” who can clean and prepare data to make it usable by data scientists.
Digitalization and digitalized enabled automation will put people in the centre of innovation. Extraordinary machines and smart services will take centre-stage only when trained and tuned by knowledgeable engineers. Human judgment will remain essential as we at BAADER believe, that ethics, law, accountability, research, and sustainability must all be part of the solution. In fact, in the face of the strong irruption of technology, human can enhance their capacities that allow them to differentiate themselves from machines so as not to lose their identity.
Most importantly, with the need for the right information and data at the right time and the right moment being a key differentiator in digital business across virtually all business functions, such projects need to connect and involve many people. What therefore becomes essential is collaboration.
Digitalization is breaking down traditional boundaries and supporting the reorganization of work into open ecosystems to enable greater collaboration. As literally everything gets connected and integrated, collaboration, motivation, education, and even buy-in of involved people and teams become the success factor.
We aim to apply our digital capabilities in ways they enhance both the cognitive and collaborative side of work, as well as the physical possibilities of human beings.
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